I roto i tepupuhi pupuhi taputapute tikanga kua kitea e maatau i mua, ko nga mea rangahau ko te kaupapa mahi me te hanganga taputapu o te miihini pupuhi pupuhi, te tiaki i ia ra me etahi atu kaupapa matua, na te punaha huringa o te miihini pupuhi pupuhi ka nui te whakamahine me te rangahau pono, te ka whai ake te etita i nga taapiri taputapu.
Nga raraunga tawhito noa o te miihini pupuhi pupuhi:
Ko te matotoru o te pereti maitai he 600 ~ 1200mm, ko te kohinga taketake pupuhi 3400KG, ko te maha o nga taputapu pupuhi pupuhi he tata ki te 7 ~ 13, ko te tere o te taputapu pupuhi pupuhi he 1500 ~ 2500 nga hurihanga, me te kaha whakaputa o tepupuhi pupuhi taputapuko 90 / KW.
1. Temiihini pupuhi pupuhika whakaputa i te kaha takahuri me te kaha tua atu ka huri i te tere tere. Ma tenei anake e taea ai te whakanui ake i te tere pupuhi pupuhi ki te kawanatanga, e awhina ana i te rere o te hau i raro i te hurihanga o te tere tere, kia taea ai e te mata o te waahanga mahi maitai te tiki awhi o te aukati waikura.
2.When the pupuhi pupuhi taputaputhrows the metal material layer, it is to clean up the rusty iron and oxide layer on the surface of the workpiece. It will enter the transportation room through the bottom of the pupuhi pupuhi taputapufor lifting, and the lifter will automatically send the shot material after it is separated. In the recycling system of the miihini pupuhi pupuhi, waste is recycled to reduce labor costs.
3.Because the miihini pupuhi pupuhi adopts a fully enclosed mode, the workpiece miihini pupuhi pupuhi produces a strong impact effect during high-speed operation, and will be worn to a certain extent by the outside of the miihini pupuhi pupuhi itself, so the equipment will be equipped with a cleaning room inside. The dust and debris left behind during the miihini pupuhi pupuhi are well treated.